For the love of distortion: The Echo color

One of my favourite insert effects is The Echo effect which is included in Reason. Its color section will add some super nice sounding Limiting, Overdrive, Distortion or Tube sounds + mighty fine additional filtering.

One of my favourite insert effects is The Echo effect which is included in Reason. Its color section will add some super nice sounding Limiting, Overdrive, Distortion or Tube sounds + mighty fine additional filtering. When adding it as an insert effect it needs one extra tweak because The Echo runs the signal through its Delay section which adds latency to a signal. To bypass this you only need to route the input signal to the breakout input instead of the main input and you’re set.

Here’s a demo track using The Echo as insert effect on an additional parallel channel which is mixed evenly with the original track. I am riding the parameters of the color section during the track.

P.S. Did you notice that the distortion changes the ambience of the track a bit?

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