Like many others I am a fan of the Reason Rack Extension called ART (Audiomatic Retro Transformer). It’s like using Instagram or a Snapchat filter for sound.
I always thought that Audiomatic was some kind of Combinator that cannot be unfolded + additional scripting + Impulse Response for some of its presets. But I was wrong about the additional scripting and IR. ART is a Rack Extension which was modelled from Combinator patches.
Reason user Selig (Giles Reaves) shared his story on creating 2 presets for Audiomatic: Tape and Wash. Here’s the Combinator version of Tape you can download for free:
Selig ART: Tape Combinator (unknown, 1,701 hits)
And Selig shared the nifty details behind the famous Wash preset he created:
Don’t know if this will help much, but basically the input is split and one path goes to a delay/low pass filter, while the other is a bit more complex: it goes to an EQ with a low mid boost, into a bit crusher, then a LPF set to a mid range frequency with some resonance, then a HPF set low with high resonance, then to a room reverb with one output feeding a distortion and the other feeding a compressor! I’d have to do more in-depth analysis so get more exact numbers – the bit crush and room reverb are probably the wild cards here, as they may be more difficult to find accurate replacements in the Reason world.
— ReasonTalk.com
Very well programmed Combinator patches. That’s ART!