Maybe you don’t know this but in Reason you can use the Soft Clip effect without using the Limiter of the MClass Maximizer. Just switch off the Limiter button and the whole device now works as a soft clipping device. You can overdrive the signal but the device will never ever go over 0 dB. The Soft Clip Amount parameter goes from sharper sounding clipping types (more high overtones) to a very rounded sounding clipped tone (less high overtones).
Don’t use it on the master, although you perfectly can, but use this per channel. You can fool any Summing Bus Purist with it 😀
What do you mean by “Summing Bus Purist”? Is this a reference to some special technique that people use?
You can Google on “Summing Bus”. There’s a lot of discussion about it. Here’s a pro-analog article which might be interesting: http://www.farmelorecording.com/in-the-press/analog-vs-digital-summing/
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Thanks. Very interesting topic.
What about the SSL peak mode compressor? Isn’t just (almost?) the same behaviour?
The SSL is just a compressor. Will go over 0 db. It’s not a clipper.
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