Hear me play

samenmeervideoA few weeks ago I did a performance for an art exhibition called Samen Meer in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. Together with singer Remco Hogendoorn who also sang on a few albums for John McCaig’s band Fell.

video 1


(poem by Daniëlle Gloudemans)

video 2


(poem by Karin Haanstra-Visser)

So the lyrics were already written… something I am not good at. So we were lucky, because writting the music was an easy job for us. Both tracks will be recorded properly one day soon.


guess something went wrong recording the studio album? 😛

still no word or release date [:-(
we need to beat the Red album of that other Marco!

had a physical system shut down these last months, but am back in business (if that’s what they call writing) again.


hope to hear from you soon!


We have plans, Remco and I. I will discuss them with you when we have more details. Super busy right now… a bummer for other things, but I need to earn my livin’ of course 🙂

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