I just listened to Adam’s podcast of November 7. This is a very, very interesting podcast. Adam talks about the licensing weirdness which is going on in the music and podcast industry. Check for example my old post about ASCAP’s very strange model. And the stuff I was discussion with the Dutch VPRO.
To make a long story short; Adam decided to stop playing any of the bands who are licensed through ASCAP, BUMA, BMI etc. From now on he will only play Podsafe music offered by the Podsafe Music Network. This is very cool, but I want Adam to go beyond that, because most Creative Commons licensed stuff can be played on podcasts as well and needs to be considered Podsafe. My music for example or ALL the music of my DiSfish label (UPDATE: no longer a label).
But in general: way cool Adam! This will kick the music industry into the right direction. The new musicactivism!