How the Colombian army sent a hidden message to hostages using a pop song

Where are those protest songs? There is enough reason to write those but we all seem too busy making money. Is music really providing nothing more than a momentary superficial piece of entertainment?

Not without coincidence I came across this interesting story. A story about how the Colombian army used a hidden morse code in a pop song for sending information to hostages so they could escape from the ideological FARC:


The song was recorded using Propellerhead Reason software. As you probably know, I’m a Reason user since early 2001 and as a sound designer I am responsible for many of the patches and sounds that come with the package.

Listen to the song:

1st time the morse code can be heard is at 1:31 and can be recognised by the rhythmic sounding piano part.

For the full story, a Long Read, see ‘The Code: A Declassified hostage rescue and unbelievable story ‘ on The Verge.

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