The music collaboration platform of Propellerhead previously known as Discover is now called Allihoopa. A Swedish word for saying: everybody / all the people.
Musical hub
With this smart move Propellerhead wants to become a true musical hub, not a music distribution network like SoundCloud or Spotify.
Mattias Häggström Gerdt of Propellerhead said on ReasonTalk (see this thread):
We also definitely want other companies to get involved with Allihoopa, including apps and more traditional music software. The more the merrier!
For Reason users we can expect more Reason focus on the current Propellerhead website. And this is good news! Say goodbye to that picture of a guy holding an iPhone which was on their frontpage for a while. Sure the Propellerhead iPhone apps like Figure and Take are fun in their own rights, but the flagship of Propellerhead is Reason.
“wave all your rights”
Not everything is 100% okidoki. Allihoopa, like Discover, uses the “wave all your rights” system. So make sure you agree to this when you upload your music to Allihoopa:
3.1 You retain all of your ownership rights in the Content that you create or upload to the Services. However, by uploading Content you grant every user and Allihoopa a non-exclusive right to use your music (with the right to sublicense). The license includes a right to copy, reproduce, communicate to the public, distribute, prepare derivative works of, modify and adapt your Content – even for commercial purposes – in any and all media and distribution methods and to the extent permitted by the Terms of Service. The license applies worldwide and is royalty-free and irrevocable.
UPDATE: Allihoopa finally has updated the terms.
Nice sounds and beat.
I am not sure in what direction Propellerheads is going but I have not been super impressed by Discover/allihoopa
I see it more like a place for playing a little bit with your “iphone” and get bored pretty soon- i have dropped a couple of beats and some tracks made in Reason but I have no desire to go on doing it.
I have also listened to a lot of stuff of different genre and to be honest I admit there is some good stuff in there but also a lot of crap and I am afraid the crap was the vast majority- a lot of sterile music a bit digital sounding
The concern is the clause 3.1- i would never upload a good piece of music for other people to use, copy, reproduce, communicate, distribute, modify for commercial purposes and royalty free.
This make me think that a musician that live and work with music would not upload his music knowing that someone else could use his music and get credit from it.
In summary I believe that this allihoopa is a bit against the concept of intellectual property.
BTW Marco i like your beats…thanks I will use them for my next release =:)
Yes, I agree on the silly copyright. Propellerhead uses All Rights Reserved on everything they produce. And although many of us have asked to open source Reason, this is not the case. So it’s a bit weird they want all users to give up copyright when joining Allihoopa. For me, it’s ok to experiment a bit. iPhone apps are nice and can be useful. And super easy to create.
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Or maybe it is not weird and allihoopa is just the start of something bigger that will evolve later.
At the moment I do not see any logic of why someone should spend time dropping music on allihoopa- for gaining what?
I would rather publish my music on bandcamp and be sure that someone will like and buy my music.
Even the colllaboration method is quite basic and a bit useless- you get one unique track in Reason and that’s it- and what do you do with it if i only want to use a certain sample from that track?
I prefer much more the stems idea created by Native Instruments, which is a bit more DJ oriented but at least i can use only the stem i like
Hey how do you upload a beat to rap on?
You should ask them via
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What is the difference with Discover ?
And what does ‘a bigger focus on Reason’ exactly mean, or is it just the removal of Discover.
I surely miss a place where you can download .rps or .rns files, like back in the day with Great way to learn tricks.
“What is the difference with Discover ?” – Nothing except for that Allihoopa now has its own domain.
“And what does ‘a bigger focus on Reason’ exactly mean, or is it just the removal of Discover.” – The Propellerhead website has put the focus back on Reason.
“I surely miss a place where you can download .rps or .rns files, like back in the day with Great way to learn tricks.” – I remember that of course. And yes, cool stuff. The Props are somehow not interesting in sharing source files.
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If only I could figure out how the hell to “drop” a reason song into Allihoopa. Seems like a sorta fun idea, but absolutely no instructions…what Tha?
I drag and drop into my profile window and it just downloads instead of uploading.
Can anyone tell me how to actually upload to Allihoopa?
Have never seen a site with Zero instructions whatsoever. Maybe I’m not 20 anymore but seriously…..can’t they tell us how to use it?
If you’re using Reason 8 or 9 on the right of the Reason transport bar you see the Allihoopa logo. Click on it and you will be able to upload your piece to the server. Or check the Reason Operation Manual. There’s a lot of information about Allihoopa in the manual.
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Thanks for that. Leo at Allihoopa just let me know that via email as well. Thanks so much.