Compliments from New York and Los Angeles

“I have stumbled upon your music and downloaded Free Bassel, which is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I have ever heard”

Marc AtlanA couple of days ago I received an email from Whitney Mercurio who is the editor in chief of Reserved Magazine in New York. She wrote me this:

I have stumbled upon your music and downloaded Free Bassel, which is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I have ever heard.


A very famous designer today in LA was just inquiring about the song! His name is Marc Atlan. I open my site just to hear your song and my 10 year old is humming it as I write this!

While I have you, you have such talent and we are always looking for artists to have as content.

Thank you so much!

Whitney also send me the screenshot of the Facebook conversation and told me:

I can not stop listening to this song. It’s so incredibly beautiful!!! More more more!!!!! It’s eerie, melancholy, depressing, beautiful, old, slightly off in some way. I can’t put my finger on it! I don’t really need to! I love it. The scratchy sound… It’s almost 1960’s era. Everything is perfect!!! Thank you for writing it!

I am very thankful that my music creates this international feel and connects to people who are searching for the same deep feelings as I do.

Here’s the track we’re talking about, Free Bassel:

I have written a few short tracks which are kinda in the same mood:

But maybe making a whole set of full songs, an album, with these kind of vibes might be a very cool idea indeed! Who knows…

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