Lessig and VPRO

You remember that last Saturday I found that a few sites are selling my music illegally (which is put under a Creative Commons license) online, right? Because of that the VPRO (Dutch television and radio) phoned me up this morning. They thought it was a good story so they posted an online article about it on their innovative 3voor12 website. The article is in Dutch only.

In this article you read that Creative Commons can not give me legal support. This is true, but the founder of Creative Commons, Lawrence Lessig , told me ‘Creative Commons is not allowed to represent people legally, but I do know someone who I think would be willing to help pro bono (at no charge).’

Well, that is very kind of Lawrence and yes I am interested of course! I think this will be most important for Creative Commons as well, because musicians need protection for these illegal acts. We’re not making millions of dollars here and we use licenses which need to be interpreted correctly.

We are pioneers in a new culture, a remix-culture, using a new copyright system, so we need to help each other to improve this system and to show the commons, that it really is working!

Non-commercial means: if you are a company you contact me for a special commercial license, and if you are a music fan you can listen to my music for free and share and copy it with your friends, because that means free publicity for me and Melodiefabriek.

Anyways: to be continued…


I love your music and I spread the word.
I was grateful it didn’t cost me anything to find out about it.
Selling something you got for free is hard to justify at the best of times – I hope that the law crushes parasites as much as I would like.
Don’t ever stop making the tunes,

Hi Jackson!

Thanks a lot. I am sure we’ll have a good story in the end. No need to make money out of it, if we do, my attorney and I will donate it to Creative Commons or something else non-profit probably.

Anyways… here’s a new track I haven’t yet put on the music page (no time, but I will do it soon):
[audio src="http://melodiefabriek.nl/audio/mp3/Melodiefabriek.nl_-_combis43.mp3" /]

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