Back to my favourite drummachine: LIME.lite


Yesterday I added Native Instruments Reaktor to my musical arsenal. Again. I couldn’t resist the deal Native Instruments is offering this week: Reaktor 5 for only $99. And since I’m a company I got it for even less than that (no VAT).

The only thing which was holding me from going back to using Reaktor was the amount of new tools it would add to my workflow. More things to try, to learn, more options, more decision stress. I was resistant. Afraid.

But the thing is: the Reaktor Ensembles are so mind blowing great, wouldn’t they make my work easier?

They sure do.

Years ago I was using Reaktor a lot. When I had just started Melodiefabriek back in 2003 I did a few demonstrations for Ableton Live and received many software licenses in return, like Steinberg Nuendo and many of the Native Instruments packages. Licenses I could not upgrade, so I gave up on using both Nuendo and all the NI stuff.

One of the Reaktor Ensembles I absolutely loved then and still do: LIME.lite. Native Instruments included a different version under the same name in the Electronic Instruments Vol 2 (also included with Reaktor 5 now) which is fantastic in it’s own right, but the original version is something else. You can still download it at the Reaktor User Community which got a makeover recently.  LIME.lite has a super dynamic and groovy sound. It can swing nicely and has that magic randomness which makes it a very musical devices.

The other thing that impresses me, and even more so after all these years, is that huge user librairy full of free ensembles which are simply stunningly good. Not only on the Reaktor User Community website but also on specialised websites like the one of expert Boscomac.

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