Music can boost a story. Instrumental music often works best because it is abstract. But it is real in the sense that it creates feelings. It communicates emotions.
And since instrumental music is without words it doesn’t fight with the content of the story. And it doesn’t fight with the speaking voices.
Music should not fight with the voice frequency range, so often ambient music works really well. As well as lo-fi sounds, or combined tweaked nature sounds, to create an atmosphere which goes well against very clear recorded vocals.
I have this theory that hi-fi sounds together with lo-fi sounds creates an interesting marriage. If everything sounds super transparent and clean, boring! But too lo-fi and saturated is no good either.
My name is Marco Raaphorst. I provide music as a service: scores, leader tunes, bumper music and audio logos.
Listen to some of the examples down below.
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A quick showcase…
Leadertune for podcast for EFP.
At the moment of writing this video Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 16 years in 4 ½ minutes has almost 24 millions views. It was was commissioned by videomaker Frans Hofmeester who wants to tell the visual story of his daughter growing up.
Listen to my playlist of my own music used in documentaries and podcasts around the world.
Flick Radio tells the story of a man who gets lost in the photo community Flickr.com. The sound design was also done by me, Marco Raaphorst.
Leadertune for Dutch VPRO 3VOOR12.
Sound pack voor VPRO 3VOOR12 Dutch television.
VPRO Metropolis television.
Momentum installation at the San Jose Museum of Art.
Leadertune and bumpers (in collaboration with Michiel van de Weerthof) for Dutch podcast De Bijsluiter. Editing was also done by me, Marco Raaphorst.
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