Marco Raaphorst, known to the Reason community as Raapie, is a long-standing creator of patches for our virtual studio. He also contributed to the factory Refill for v3.0. His latest work includes a modest but intricately programmed Combinator patch collection, together with a set of all-new patches for the Subtractor and Malström devices that are these Combis’ only sound sources. Combi Manifesto 1 features 22 patches that aim to keep CPU load as low as possible while pushing the device’s signal-routing and sound-design possibilities. Combinator controllers have been thoughtfully set up (some even change pattern parameters on Matrix devices), and a new graphic ‘backdrop’ has been created for each patch. Surf to, have a listen to the demos and be prepared to fork over a mere £5.50/US$10/Euro 8.25 for the zipped 5.9MB download.
A quote I stumbled upon today. It’s from an article by Sound Of Sound magazine from 2005. Those were the days. Not only did I do my first large sound programming project for Propellerhead Software (Reason 3) but I also created a commercial ReFill called Combi Manifesto 1 which got some really cool reviews like the one by SOS. When my Special Sauce Pulveriser ReFill (side note: working title) is ready for sale I will open a webshop which will of course included the classic Combi Manifesto 1 ReFill as well.
Although the past looked fine, the future will be even be better.
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