Since a couple of weeks I’m using the brand new dedicated EditorsKeys keyboard for Reason. It’s a great addition for anyone using Reason. The keyboard has a professional studio look and will improve the work flow on operating Reason. Instead of clicking through the Reason menus and toolbars it visualises all Key Commands which you can use with just one click.
I helped EditorsKeys with beta testing this product. I must say everything is well thought out. The device feels very sturdy and works wonderful. The keys don’t feel cheap or wobbly but extremely durable. For normal typing this keyboard also works great. No wonder EditorsKeys gives you a Lifetime warranty on this device.
Here’s the full layout of the OSX version I’m using:
There’s also a PC version of this keyboard available. You can find them both here: PC-version and Mac-version
NOTE: If you want to use Key Commands in Reason it’s best to make sure that your System Preference for your Keyboard under OSX is setup correctly. You should put a checkmark at “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys” or else when pressing for example the F8 key iTunes will start playing instead of opening the Tool Window of Reason. If your System Preferences for Keyboard looks like this (screenshot of my Mountain Lion installation on a MacBook Pro) you must put the checkmark at “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”: